At Ease

Since that special moment
I can’t even remember the details that clear
All I know is the love that we share
The sun seems to shine a little bit more
The joy I feel seems far exceeding pleasure

The glimmer of eventuality
The inevitable actions that we’ve held close
So is it to be
This mounting sense of duality
A choice of an “us”

No matter how late the clock shows
Seconds don’t count
When it comes to your kisses
Thoughts of being missed
And you becoming mine – and us becoming

I can’t be afraid now
My heart clings on too tight
To the idea of a love so great
A heat so hot – A sharing so right

Haiku for the minds
Yet it’s not too short
Just enough syllables to get the point across
But compelling enough to be

Let this be a limerick for love
Something like joint-custody
More than just
Or Yours
A shelter for the happiness we share
Built with a roof with hater-proof shingles
And brick made of more than fired clay and mortar
With a cement for the soul
Demanding only the most delicate care
Just enough to make things the way they are

Located somewhere - the zenith
Not confusing, not beneath us
But nonetheless, a place up high
No clutter, no distraction
Beyond mind-blowing satisfaction
A presence of happy that only heaven can give
Like that of an eagle in the sky - you remind me
This love is graceful

No painkillers, no therapy
Physical rehabilitation, not even close
A natural high with the effervescent scent of tranquility
I am that peace when I am with you
Touching you – making sure that this
Ease is real


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